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Why is Kajabi the best online course platform?


May 16, 2018
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Are you looking for an effective solution to help you sell your unique knowledge online?

Well from the entire Kajabi crew we want you to know we’re pumped that somehow you’ve surfed the wild waves of the internet to this specific article! Within just a few minutes we’re going to completely walk through how you can know if Kajabi is the right platform for you.

Is it hard to write an article like this and not be a little bias?

That’s like asking if Elon Musk loves Mars. Of course, we’re a little biased, we love this platform!

But here’s the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth…

As of September of 2022, Kajabi has a 4.6 rating on Trustpilot with over 1,600 reviews we have over 60,000 Kajabi Heroes who have earned over $5 billion dollars in revenue through the platform.

Screenshot of the Kajabi profile on Trustpilot with 4.6 stars out of five, 1671 reviews. Breakdown is 80% 5 star, 11% 4 star, 5% 3 star, 2% poor and 2% bad.

Who Kajabi Is Perfect For:

If you’re looking to sell informational or digital products, coaching, courses, or membership sites...there’s a reason why Kajabi has become the immediate go-to platform for online digital entrepreneurs big and small, new and old, some making thousands and some making millions.

Like Brendon Burchard, Chalene Johnson, James Wedmore, or Tiffany Bymaster. Kajabi has also been featured in the following publications.

When it comes to “Knowledge Commerce” -- we’re your Huckleberry.

But enough of all that! Let’s jump into the top 3 reasons why Kajabi reviews as the best platform for digital entrepreneurs in 2018...


Nothing's more frustrating than choosing a platform and beginning down the path of building your website only to quickly learn you’ll need 13 other plugins and software services just to run the basic day to day operations of your business.

Your site somehow becomes more like a digital Frankenstein than the easy to navigate online platform you initially envisioned.

We’ve been there too… For reals.

In fact, Kenny and Travis (Kajabi Founders) faced this exact issue years ago and is what it’s what ultimately led them to create the streamlined software solution you see today.

They invented a fun water toy for their kids to play with outside called “Crazy Spray” which they were selling. But they quickly realized carrying inventory and some of the other headaches of physical products just weren’t for them. (been there…)

And that’s when the lightbulb went off…

Instead of selling the product, they’d sell the “how to” instructions so Mom and Dads could build this fun water toy for their own kids quickly and easily. Knowledge Commerce at its finest.

But quickly that eureka moment turned into frustration as they realized an easy digital product platform did NOT exist. Connecting websites, blogs, email marketing, payment processing and everything in between was not only driving them wild...but was eating into their precious profits.

Thus with their background in expertise as software developers, Kajabi was born.

That was nearly 8 years ago.

Today what once was just an idea has become the world's leading digital product platform.

Here’s just a snapshot of what Kajabi can do for you right now…

Stunning Websites: Drag and Drop

Eliminating tech headaches has been our goal since the very start and nowhere is that more apparent than with our easy to customize website builder. When you use Kajabi for your website you don’t need to pay for extra hosting (we’ve got you covered) and you also get...

Flexible Themes: We pride ourselves on professional branding and it shows in all of our themes. They’ve been designed not only to look incredible but allow you to drag, drop and edit without ever knowing how to code a single line. Tired of spending hours, which quickly turn into weeks and months on designing your website? With Kajabi, you’ll have a professional looking site up and running within 15 minutes!

Robust Blogging: Many of our clients have a blogging background and currently use it as a foundational tool in their business. Which is why we’ve made every effort to make transitioning your blog over from Wordpress or other platforms as seamless as possible.

Opt In Forms & Landing Pages: Designed and optimized for conversions, our templated layouts for opt-in forms and landing pages allow you to quickly turn traffic into leads, customers, or monthly subscribers. No more spending hours on something which should take minutes.

Here are a few examples of websites hosted on Kajabi…

Marketing: Tools To Maximize Your Revenue

Now you’ve got the lead, what’s next? Effectively marketing tools to help get the first sale, the second, and many for years to come...that’s what.

Email Marketing: While some platforms offer email marketing as an afterthought, here at Kajabi we understand it’s the lifeblood of an online business. Which is why you can do everything from sending broadcast emails, create autoresponders, build out sequenced campaigns for specific products, and even tag customers based upon on the actions they take.

Live & Automated Webinars: One of the best ways to build trust, provide value, and generate sales is through webinars. Kajabi not only allows you to create your webinar, but also run it at certain times of your choosing, and provides all the opt-in pages and follow up messages you’ll ever need.

Pipelines: Whether you have a product launch, live event, or a free promotion offer, Kajabi’s Pre-Built Pipeline Templates allow you to simply click and go! Just choose the one you need, plug in your specific details, any design assets you’d like, and you’re off! No more wondering what page you need next...we’ve done all the hard work for you from start to finish!

Powerful Analytics: Within the platform you’ll have all of the most important up-to-date and historical analytics so you can make data based decisions without spending a fortune on any third party software. ip maintenance required. *fist bump*

One Click Upsells: This feature is directly integrated into Kajabi allowing you to offer post purchase upsells, increase your average order value (this is yuge!), and simply sell more of your products. It’s your built in marketing leverage without any coding knowledge needed.

Customizable Checkout: Want to add custom fields to gather additional information at checkout? Or add a little more copy to help seal the deal? Perfect. Our checkout templates are completely customizable allowing you to do whatever you choose!

Flexible Pricing: Maybe you’d like to offer a free trial, split up payments, or test a Netflix-style payment option? Check, check, and check. All easily done at the click of a mouse.

Products and People: The “Secret” Ingredient

This is where the rubber meets the road. Connecting your people with your products, Kajabi gives you both pre-built product templates so you don’t have to start from scratch, or the option to create everything exactly as you wish. You’re the boss...

Digital Products: You’ve heard of people making incredible money just simply selling eBooks, downloadable PDFs, online videos, or other digital products? Well now that can be you too! Kajabi was built for Knowledge Commerce Entrepreneurs who sell this type of information.

Online Courses: Maybe you want to package what you know into a full blown course or a more simple, less content heavy mini course? Great! We’ve got the template all ready for you, complete with suggested course outlines and copy! It’s as easy as it gets. Oh and did we mention we even host all your videos? You’re welcome.

Coaching: Many of our #kajabiheros offer group and individual coaching. Easy to do right within the Kajabi Platform. It’s a great higher ticket, backend offer for any informational business.

Membership Site: What once required you to hire a team of talented programmers can now be created at the push of a button. Kajabi offers a second to none experience in quickly helping you set up an easy to use, change, and customize membership site. Affiliate features built in as well!

Quizzes and Assessments: Want to create engaging quizzes or surveys to help you better understand how to help your customers and know exactly what your next product should be? By using Kajabi’s built in quizzes and assessments you can start gathering that valuable information faster than you can even whisper “I love you Kajabi”. We love you too.

Honestly, there’s a few more features that we could dive into but I think that covers plenty for now. You still with us? Ok good! Let’s move on...


Since the very first day we started building Kajabi we have had one goal in mind…

Build the world's leading platform for Knowledge Commerce entrepreneurs, giving them everything they need to quickly go from idea to implementation

...while making it as brain dead SIMPLE as possible!

And we’re extremely proud to say that we’ve never wavered from that!

If you’ve looked into other platforms you might have noticed some promote themselves as easy to use, or “push button”, but as soon as you dived became anything but easy.

Now frankly, if you’re trying to sell drop shipped items from Alibaba, are we going to be the best or easiest to go with? Of course not. You can definitely sell physical products through Kajabi (one of our faithful employees actually sells shirts through her Kajabi site), but it’s been uniquely designed for those who want to sell courses and all forms of digital products.

If online informational based products is your kinda’re in the right place!

You’ll see that our pre-made templates, A to Z pipelines, and done for you product outlines gives you everything you need to get things launched as quickly as possible!

Because what good is your idea if the platform you use to launch requires more time tinkering than testing your new offer.

We believe “money is attracted to speed”, and that’s why we created Kajabi with ease of use as an unwavering top priority.


We obsess over our customer service.

And to be honest that’s easier said than done. We put serious time, money, and focus on making sure that those who trust their business in the hands of our platform never feel that they’re just “another number”.

Even now having tens of thousands of active users, we strive to always remember that our success starts with the success and happiness of our users...with you! Gosh we’re a great couple...

What’s that? You want me to show you what I mean? “Welllll Alrighty Then!”...

Official Kajabi Facebook Group

If you haven’t joined this group yet, you can do so right  here. 

Every day there are mountains of gold nuggets dropped freely by some of the most successful digital entrepreneurs right now. These are people who are making outstanding livings selling all sorts of products on our platform. So simply join the group and scoop up these gems. No pickaxe required. You'll see Kajabi reviews right away.

Here are a few things you’ll notice right away…

This Guy

Jonathan Cronstedt, President of Kajabi

He’s unbelievably active in the group answering questions, providing encouragement, and offering his hard earned advice...for free! You’d think as acting President he didn’t have 1,000 other responsibilities to attend to or a beautiful family to take care of...but he does. He just also happens to be genuinely committed to helping each and every member of Kajabi.

Join the group and say hi to him...I don’t have a farm, but if I did I’d bet it on him responding personally to you. He’s constantly getting shout outs like this one for being so intouch even as Kajabi has grown as big as it has…

These Guys

Our support staff is second to none! When you reach out they respond as fast as they can whether in the Facebook Group, via email, or on our live chat.

They do everything they can to make sure you get the answers and help you need the first time you ask! Our goal is to get all of your questions answered instead of you having to go back and forth with multiple support people for 13 days just to get a simple answer to a simple question.

Inside Kajabi - 24/7 Help

Inside Kajabi you’ll find extremely detailed “how to” videos at each step of the process as well as “Achievements” which are unlocked as you do things like build your first opt-in form or create your first product.

If our extensive help videos and FAQ section doesn’t answer your specific question, simply click on our 24/7 live chat and we’ll immediately get on and get you taken care of!

So there you have it!

  1. Kajabi is the leading all-in-one Knowledge Commerce solution.
  2. It’s the easiest platform to use and comes loaded with preloaded templates for everything.
  3. Our customer care is the real deal. Just personally ask our President.

The best part?

We don’t want you to take our word for it! Nope, not us!

Here’s a RISK FREE, no brainer trial offer so you can see and experience for yourself why thousands of others have chosen this platform...

Use Kajabi to Turn Your Knowledge And Content Into Products You Can Sell

We know that you have something to teach the world. We also know there are people out there who want to learn what you know.

That’s why we created Kajabi. It’s a full-featured platform that allows professionals like you to create their own businesses from home.

Create online courses, establish membership sites, host a podcast, create a coaching program, and sell other digital products. We offer tons of marketing tools to help you spread the word about your products and earn more revenue.

Of course, launching a business represents a huge commitment. We understand that.

To help ease you into the process of creating a Knowledge Commerce business of your own, we offer a 14-day free trial.

Get unfettered access to our tools, templates, and other assets so you can fully explore what Kajabi has to offer.

Start your free trial today!

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