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12 Best AI Content Creation Tools

By Sam Lauron

Dec 11, 2023
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It’s no secret that AI is all around us. Artificial intelligence tools have been in the works for some time now, but it wasn’t until recently that everyone from small business owners to enterprises to creators has discovered the countless use cases for AI in everyday life. 

In 2023, the number of people who use AI tools soared to over 250 million — and that number is expected to nearly triple by 2030. 

While there seems to be a new AI tool on the market every day, we’re particularly interested in the ones that benefit the creator economy. From video and audio support to content writing assistance, there are many ways that creators can use AI-powered content.

If you’re ready to take advantage of AI’s full potential, let’s go over the benefits of AI content creation, how you can use AI tools for your creator business, and the best AI content creation tools to add to your tech stack.

What is AI Content Creation?

AI content creation is when artificial intelligence software generates content for you using prompts that you provide. AI tools use natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to pick up on a human tone of voice and generate content that sounds like how a real person would write or talk.

AI-powered tools can create anything from social media captions to ebooks to product descriptions on your website, and even images. 

Of course, many of these AI content tools are still relatively new so they aren’t perfect yet. You’ll most likely need to edit the AI-generated content to sound a little more like yourself or your brand. Where AI content creation tools excel is in generating content fast, giving you a framework or starting point to produce high-quality content in a fraction of the time it would’ve taken you to create it from scratch.


Benefits of AI-Powered Content Creation

AI content generation tools offer countless benefits for busy creators. Here are a few: 

Saves time

For starters, they help save time. A recent survey by Statista found that 39% of small business owners and marketing leaders reported saving up to 40 minutes per week by using artificial intelligence (AI). When you have countless tasks on your to-do list each week, any amount of time you can shave off using AI will benefit you in the long run.

Acts as a writing assistant 

AI-powered content tools are also widely used as writing assistants. Writing can be a daunting and time-consuming task for many. It’s a common feeling to look at a blank screen and dread having to come up with clever or helpful words to say — and that’s where AI can help. 

Whether you want to write blog posts, email newsletters, online course content, or even ad copy, AI writing tools make your content creation process quick and seamless by crafting quality copy in seconds. All you have to do is add some personal flair to it, and it’s ready to go. 

Improves the brainstorming process

Another way that AI content tools can help creators is brainstorming. If you’re stuck on what to say in your weekly newsletter, your podcast, or even your landing pages, AI tools can quickly generate topic ideas and subject line recommendations. 

We could talk about the benefits of AI-generated content all day, but here are a few other ways to get the most out of AI content creation tools:

  • Use them to maintain consistency across all of your content
  • Cut down on the number of external tools and resources you typically use 
  • Scale your content — and ultimately your business — by producing more content in less time

How Can I Use AI for Content Creation?

AI tools can help you create multiple types of content for your creator business. Here are a few specific ways you can use AI for content creation: 

  • Write marketing copy: AI content creation tools can generate copy in seconds, from Instagram captions to landing pages to email newsletters. You may have to tweak some of it to match your brand voice, but AI writing tools offer a solid starting point. 
  • Digital products: There’s a lot of content that goes into a product like an online course. Use AI to alleviate some of the workload by creating outlines for lessons and making the writing process less daunting. 
  • Repurposing content: Don’t let your existing content collect dust. Use AI to turn your old blog posts or newsletters into bite-size social media captions or scripts for audio and video content. 
  • Content optimization: Tools like ChatGPT, for instance, are well-versed in SEO best practices. You can use AI to help you optimize your content for search by having it generate meta descriptions, SEO headlines, and even conducting keyword research to find relevant keywords for you to target in your content. 

These are just a few use cases for creators who want to reap the benefits of AI-generated content. If you’re ready to get started in the world of artificial intelligence, let’s go over the different AI content creation tools out there.

12 Best AI tools for Content Creation

Ready to scale your creator business? AI tools can help you save loads of time so you can focus on tasks that move your business forward. 

Whether you need help with writing online course content, coming up with engaging social media posts, or video production, there’s an AI tool out there for each type of creator’s needs. 

Here are the best AI content creation tools to add to your creator tech stack.

1. Kajabi

If you’ve been considering developing an online course or selling an ebook but simply haven’t had the time to create the content, that’s where Kajabi’s AI Creator Hub comes in.

With the AI Creator Hub, you can bring all of your business and digital product ideas to life with the press of a button. Kajabi’s free AI tools can generate everything from course outlines to lesson content to landing page copy — all tailored to your subject expertise.


Even better, the AI tool doesn’t stop at course content creation. It can also help you develop supporting content to help sell and distribute your course. You can use the AI Creator Hub to generate everything from sales email copy to sales video scripts to social media posts promoting the course. 

Best for: If you want to launch an online course, Kajabi’s powerful AI tool can create course content in minutes. 

Pricing: Kajabi offers a free 14-day trial. After that, pricing starts at $119 per month.

2. ChatGPT

The tool that started it all (or, at least brought artificial intelligence to the mainstream audience), ChatGPT is essential for every creator’s toolkit. The generative AI tool created by OpenAI is free to use which makes it easy to get started if you’re new to using AI. 

Where ChatGPT excels is in generating lists and ideas. To use it, simply enter a prompt — for example, “write 10 funny Instagram captions about dogs” — and the chatbot will respond in seconds, giving you several options to pick from.

ChatGPT also works well as a personal search engine. You can input the same queries you’d put in Google, but instead of having to wade through hundreds of search results, you’ll get a quick and compact answer. 

One thing to keep in mind is the results ChatGPT generates are only as good as the AI prompts you write. You’ll have to play around with your prompts and instructions — the more specific the better — if you want the best results. 

If you’re looking for more guidance around content generation, then consider a more structured AI tool that generates powerful results

Best for: If you’re new to AI and want to get familiar with its capabilities, ChatGPT is a great tool to start with. 

Pricing: ChatGPT’s basic plan (GPT-3.5) is free to use. The more advanced version (which includes voice and images) is $20 per month.

3. Lately

Do you create a lot of long-form content? Maybe you have an extensive library of blog posts or podcast episodes that you want to repurpose. Consider harnessing Lately for your AI content generation. 

Lately takes a single piece of long-form content and generates dozens of social media posts from it. For example, let’s say you wrote a valuable blog post that’s jam-packed with industry insights or helpful tips for your target audience. If you want to get the most out of your content, you can use Lately to generate tons of social media posts around that one blog post.


Plus, with every use, Lately aims to better understand your brand voice and apply it to the next round of generated copy. This results in more on-brand content over time and ideally means you won’t have to edit the results as much. 

Best for: Creators with extensive long-form content that needs to be repurposed. 

Pricing: Plans start at $49 per month and are limited to the number of social channels it supports.

4. Descript

AI content creation isn’t limited to text. You can also harness its power for audio and video content.

For instance, Descript uses AI to record, edit, and publish podcasts and videos. Some of its AI content creation tools include identifying the best clips from your video or episode, removing bad takes, and even creating realistic voices or choosing from pre-made AI voices.


If you’ve started a podcast or plan to launch a YouTube channel, Descript can make the editing process easier, especially for beginners. 

Best for: Podcast hosts or YouTube creators. 

Pricing: Descript offers a free plan with limited transcription, recording, and editing hours. Paid plans start at $12 per user per month.

5. Synthesia

In the world of AI, anything is possible — even creating realistic, human-like avatars. One AI content tool that does this is Synthesia

Synthesia uses AI and deep learning technologies to create realistic-looking videos based on a script you give it. You can select a video template, choose from over 120 languages, and even select which avatar you want to be in your video.


A great way to use Synthesia is to generate text-to-video or text-to-speech content. For instance, let’s say you have an online course and want to create videos to go along with each lesson — but you don’t want to be the face of your videos. You can simply enter your script into Synthesia and it will create a video with someone else “teaching” your lesson. 

Best for: As a creator, you’re the face of your brand. But if you want to scale your learning content or create additional video content such as how-to videos, this could be a good AI tool to generate even more content. 

Pricing: Plans start at $22 per month.

6. Canva

Every creator’s favorite graphic design tool, Canva, can also be used for AI content generation. 

Canva offers a free AI image generator. All you have to do is describe an image you want to see, select a style, and choose an aspect ratio, and Canva’s AI will automatically generate a few options for you.


Using AI to generate images is key to creating original content for your brand. This can come in handy if you don’t consider yourself design-savvy. 

Best for: If you already use Canva for your business, it’s convenient to use its AI tool to generate social media-ready content. 

Pricing: Canva’s free plan includes limited AI-generated designs. If you want access to its premium AI features, Canva Pro is $14.99 per month.

7. Writer

Writer is another full-stack AI platform. While it’s geared toward enterprises, creators may benefit from its features if you plan on scaling your business or growing your team. 

Writer focuses on establishing a consistent brand tone and voice across an organization by creating content guidelines. 

The AI platform also offers a library of prebuilt templates for content creation including blog posts, FAQ generation, product descriptions, and emails. One template that can be especially useful for creators with podcasts is the recaps template which identifies key takeaways from a recording or transcript.


Best for: If you plan to scale your creator business, Writer offers a suite of AI tools necessary for large teams. 

Pricing: Plans for individuals and teams start at $18 per user per month.


Another AI content creation tool to add to your creator tech stack is, especially if you want to level up your marketing and content strategy.’s Marketing OS offers pre-built workflow templates that leverage AI to automate the process. 

For example, to create an SEO blog post, you could use their SEO workflow which would look something like this:


A couple of other AI marketing workflows you can choose from include a content workflow and a demand gen workflow, each of which makes it easy to automate a marketing task from start to finish. 

Best for: If you want to scale your business with automation, this AI tool can help. 

Pricing: offers a free plan. Paid plans start at $36 per month.

9. Jasper

Jasper excels at creating AI-generated content for multichannel campaigns. The AI tool can help create content for every step of your campaign — from landing page copy to ad creative to supporting marketing elements like blog posts and TikTok scripts.


Jasper also offers an art generator so you can create AI-generated images to match your copy in a matter of seconds. 

Best for: Jasper integrates with many apps including Google Chrome and Google Docs so you can lean on its AI content generation throughout your workflow. 

Pricing: Plans start at $39 per month.

10. Grammarly

If you’ve spent any time writing online, then you’re probably familiar with Grammarly. Grammarly is both a writing assistant and a built-in editor that uses AI to offer real-time feedback during the writing process. 

Not only does it look for spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors, but the tool will also make suggestions to improve the flow of your piece by helping with everything from sentence structure to tone and clarity.


Grammarly has its own app that you can add your copy to. To save yourself even more time, you can install the Google Chrome extension so Grammarly works its magic within your Google Doc. 

Best for: Editing your marketing or online course copy before publishing. 

Pricing: Grammarly offers a free plan that includes basic writing suggestions. Paid plans with features like vocabulary ideas and tone suggestions start at $12 per month.

11. DALL-E

Also from OpenAI, DALL-E is the AI image generator companion to ChatGPT. Like its text-based counterpart, DALL-E is easy to use. Simply enter your prompt describing the type of image you want it to create, and you’ll receive a quick response with your creation.


If you aren’t satisfied with the results, you can tweak your prompt and ask the tool to generate more options. But other than getting more specific with your image prompt, you don’t have much control over the types of images DALL-E generates. 

You can also access DALL-E through Microsoft Bing Image Creator, which is powered by the AI model. 

Best for: If you’re already using ChatGPT for text generation, it can be convenient to use DALL-E for images. 

Pricing: You can access DALL-E through ChatGPT Plus which is $20 per month.

12. DreamStudio

Like DALL-E, DreamStudio is another AI image generator that can be used for content creation. The tool is derived from the AI model, Stable Diffusion, which was created by parent company StabilityAI. 

When it comes to image generation, DreamStudio offers more customization than DALL-E. After writing your image prompt, you can choose from 16 image styles including anime, photographic, comic book, and fantasy art, to name a few. You can also include elements you don’t want to see in the images by adding a “negative prompt.”


These options offer more control and customization over your final product which can be helpful if you’re looking for original content for your brand. 

Best for: If you’re looking for more customization, Stable Diffusion’s DreamStudio is a great option for AI image generation. 

Pricing: DreamStudio offers a free trial. After the trial, you can generate images using a credit system (the credits are calculated based on the size of the image, the number of steps it takes to create the final product, and the number of images you want to generate).

Ready to Get Started With AI Content Creation?

AI-powered content creation is the best way to scale your creator business. When there are so many moving parts involved in running a successful online business — from writing sales emails to developing course content to recording podcast episodes or YouTube videos — creators need all the help they can get. 

Whether you want to grow your business by expanding your content, improving your workflow, or — most importantly — avoiding burnout, take advantage of the AI-powered content creation tools available at your fingertips.

Sam Lauron
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