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Cambria Recap: Kajabi adds powerful new features & improvements


Dec 1, 2020
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Kajabi Hero Live
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To celebrate our 10th birthday, we promised to deliver you Kajabi Heroes compelling new features, offerings and enhancements at a rapid pace. We’ve just wrapped up our first development cycle, called Cambria, and have delivered on that promise.

Let’s go over some of the great new improvements to your Kajabi membership.

New Website Builder

We’re thrilled to have rolled out a new Kajabi website builder that makes it easier than ever for you to create a memorable web presence.

The new Kajabi website builder makes it easy to give your customers a consistent look and feel at every touchpoint. It’s been purposefully designed to help you better showcase and sell your digital products.

The new website builder also includes beautiful templates for multiple industries. This makes it simple to get a beautiful-looking website online in minutes.

You can also look forward to SEO improvements, more blog flexibility, improved ways to provide upsells and cross-sells, and much, much more.

"Before the launch of Kajabi's new website builder, my site was on WordPress.  Managing multiple platforms and plug-ins to operate my business was often challenging and cumbersome, taking time away from my content creation process.  Since moving to Kajabi and the new website builder, I've seen longer engagement on each page, more views and better lead generation.  I'm a Kajabi fan!  I'll never go back to Wordpress." - Gabriela Haberer, Homeschool Music Collective

Learn more about the new Kajabi website builder

Send emails from your custom domains

You can now start sending your Kajabi marketing emails from your own custom domains. This has been a much-requested feature, so we’re glad we could deliver on what you Heroes asked for.

Being able to send emails from your own custom domain is beneficial for multiple reasons: 

  • It creates a stronger sense of trust with your customers. With your custom domain, they recognize your brand and know these emails are authentically coming from your business.
  • It further builds your brand by putting it in front of customers and prospects more often, so that it’s more memorable.
  • You can leverage that improved trust and branding to take your email marketing to the next level and make more sales.

This feature is rolling out at a deliberate pace to ensure your emails retain a high performance level.

Learn more about Customer Email Domain Sends

Secure payment plans offering multiple payments

We rolled out an enhancement to our Multiple Payments features. Not only does this provide more security, it also provides you more flexibility for your offerings.

You can now use Multiple Payments to:

  • Reduce the upfront cost of your digital products, making it more affordable for your audience by spreading the payment over a period of time.
  • Tailor your pricing model to match the needs of your business.
  • Give your customers more convenience and flexibility when it comes to purchasing.

Learn more about Multiple Payments

Expect more Kajabi improvements soon

All of these impactful new features are either fully available now or will be fully rolled out over the next few weeks. Best of all, we’re not even close to being done. We have a new development cycle coming up and you can expect even more improvements to help grow your business.

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