July 16, 2019

Meet The Kajabi Team: Brendon Murphy

Meet Kajabi's inspiring Chief Technology Officer, Brendon Murphy!

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Welcome back to another fabulous edition of the Meet The Kajabi Team blog series!

In this series of blogs, we help you get to know our Award Winning Kajabi team that helps support you and your business.

Today you’re going to meet Brendon Murphy, our Chief Technology Officer. 

Name: Brendon Murphy

Job title: Chief Technology Officer

What do you do at Kajabi?  

See that technology at Kajabi meets the business needs of Kajabi and its customers.

Also, a Iittle code here and there.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you started working for Kajabi.

Previously, I spent over 12 years at a national tier-1 ISP. I performed duties as a system engineer, network engineer, programmer, and the manager of corporate security.

Programming there turned out to be my most favorite part and I wanted to do more of it.

Kenny and I had talked for years about working on a project together (we've known each other since college), and Kajabi finally provided an outlet for me to program more as I desired at the time.

What is a typical workday like at Kajabi?

My time mostly gets split between clearing out architectural obstacles other people might need help on, writing code, 1-on-1s, meetings, communicating what development is working on to the rest of the company, as well as encouraging our team and others in the company.

I try to be a cheerleader!

What’s your favorite part of working for Kajabi?

Code is non-stop fun.

It's like being an adult getting to play with Legos.

It's super rewarding seeing people build their career on top of that as well.

Additionally, it's extremely rewarding getting to build and encourage a world-class team.

What’s your spirit animal?


What’s something about your job people wouldn't expect?

It is often better served by social and communication skills than hard technical skills.

What’s the most rewarding part of working for Kajabi?

Awesome teammates.

Amazing customers.

What emoji are you?


What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now?

Kajabi migration tools to create products out of content on other systems.

What personal item represents you best?

Next to programming and leadership, the guitar is my other passion. I started playing in 8th grade, and have tried to get better ever since. It's always hard and challenging, but rewarding.

To learn more about our awesome team here at Kajabi, follow us on social!

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