Audio engineer fills knowledge gap for Czech speakers and simplifies business with Kajabi

Tomáš Nykl noticed there was a lack of home studio information for Czech speakers, so he built his online course business. Read why he migrated to Kajabi and loves it!

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Tomáš Nykl is an audio engineer based in the Czech Republic. He serves as a classic representation of the knowledge entrepreneur who noticed a gap in information, then took it upon himself to fill that gap.

Tomáš had started his online course business, then migrated to Kajabi. Read on to learn how he came to pursue knowledge commerce, the steps he took, his resulting success, and why he prefers Kajabi as his business management system.

What inspired you to get into knowledge commerce?

When I started to get interested in audio engineering, there was not much accessible information, and I had to teach myself. In the Czech Republic, there were very few resources for owners of home recording studios. And I was very inspired by the blogs of American sound engineers, who also helped me. 

I'm a student of Kajabi Hero Graham Cochrane. Graham is not only a coach in the field of sound engineering but also a coach of online business. Graham inspired me to create my own blog for home recording studio owners. And thanks to his recommendation, I decided to go to Kajabi and start my online business.

What did you do first in Kajabi?

By the time I started using Kajabi, I had already built an online business on other platforms. I already had marketing emails, course sales, and a blog too. My first steps on Kajabi led to the creation of a home page and the transfer of courses to the Kajabi environment. The next step was to transfer my email marketing from Mailchimp to Kajabi.

When did you launch your first digital product?

I published my first course with Kajabi in June 2021. Since the Kajabi app is not available in my first language, it took me about four to five months to adjust my existing courses and set it up.

My very first product was a personal consultation. Only then did I shoot my first course, which I published in the spring of 2019.

How do you promote your knowledge products? 

I promote my products through content marketing. I create free videos on YouTube and with Kajabi I offer a lead magnet - an ebook for an email address. In my mailing list, I then sell courses to customers who give me their email.

For the sale itself, I usually use the classic Jeff Walker Launch procedure.

Did you experience any difficulties or setbacks regarding knowledge commerce since signing up? If so, how did you overcome them?

The biggest problems I usually had were connected with the technical part of the online business. I wasted a lot of time solving how to bring different services and parts of the online business together. Thanks to the transition to Kajabi, everything has been simplified and everything is faster and more comfortable.

I want to give my clients the best and that's why I want to focus on creating content. Thanks to Kajabi I can focus more on the courses and the content itself.

What milestones or accomplishments have you reached on Kajabi?

Since the start of live sales, I got my first Kajabi Hero T-shirt in one month!  

In half a year, I managed to sell almost a quarter of a million in my currency, which is about $10,000 USD of courses that I expanded and sold before moving to Kajabi.

My email subscriber list size contains 4,000 contacts now. Despite this relatively small list, my online business allows me to earn more than half of my annual income. And that number is growing every year.

I also consider it a great success to set up functional evergreen sales through my email sequence after generating leads with my lead magnet. I haven't been able to set this up before for this model to work.

During my first year, I was able to set up Kajabi and prepare my clients for a new environment. I extended the two courses and transferred my email list to Kajabi.

What other takeaways do you have from your first year using Kajabi?

Mainly - it works! After the experience of using other platforms for online business, Kajabi is a significant simplification of the whole process.

What do you plan to do going into your second year on Kajabi?

In the second year, I want to publish a third course and prepare my first membership page. I would also like to move my online consultations to Kajabi. The new Coaching product is a great extension that will allow me to offer clients everything in one place.

Do you have any other advice for new Kajabi Heroes?

Get started now! There is no better moment than starting your online business. Don't be afraid to follow your dream and become the owner of your future. Do not give up and persevere despite temporary failures. Build your own universe and gain freedom and independence.

Kajabi is the best way to turn your knowledge into income

At Kajabi, we’re working to build a world where everyone can build a life and business around their knowledge. We’re here to support entrepreneurs like Tomáš who are filling gaps in knowledge for their communities. 

With Kajabi, you can sell your expertise online. Create online courses, establish membership sites, offer coaching programs, host a podcast, and sell other digital products. Plus, you'll get marketing tools like a website, CRM, email marketing, landing page templates, and helpful analytics to help you spread the word about your products and earn more revenue.

Fully explore what Kajabi has to offer and start building your business during a free trial. Start your free 14-day trial of Kajabi today!

Still researching? Check out Kajabi’s free downloadable ebook guides on launching and growing a knowledge commerce online business!

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