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How To Get Your Website On Google


May 23, 2024
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A common goal for almost every business and individual is to get their website showing up on Google.

After all, with more than 90% of the search engine market share, Google is the leader, and everybody goes to Google to look for information, products, and services online.

But how exactly do you get your website to show up in Google search results? First, let's take a look at what Google Search actually is and how it works.

What is Google Search?

Google Search is a web search engine developed by Google LLC. It's the most widely used search engine globally, handling over 90% of all web searches.

When you type a query into Google Search, it uses complex algorithms to scour the internet for relevant web pages. These algorithms take into account various factors, including:

  • Relevance: Google assesses how closely the content of a web page matches the user's search query. It looks for keywords, synonyms, and related terms to determine relevance.
  • Quality: Google evaluates the overall quality of a web page based on factors like the depth and originality of the content, the expertise of the author, and the site's reputation.
  • User intent: Google tries to understand the intent behind a user's search query. Is the user looking for information, wanting to make a purchase, or trying to find a specific website? The search results will vary based on this perceived intent.

Google's ultimate goal is to provide users with the most helpful and relevant results for their search queries. As a website owner, your aim is to optimize your site so that Google understands what your pages are about and why they deserve to rank well.

Why Should You Get Your Website On Google?

Having a website on Google can make a difference in your online presence, and it can be very important for the success of your business. Here are some reasons:

  • More visibility: The more visible your website is in Google search results, the more potential customers see it. Obviously, the better the visibility, the higher the traffic, as most users are known not to move beyond the first page of search results.
  • Credibility: By being listed on Google, you automatically create some credibility for your website and business. To users, your website is perceived as reliable since all those listed in Google's search results are taken to be more reputable and authoritative.
  • Potential for growth: Once your visibility and credibility are up, you easily attract more customers, hence more sales and business growth. The more people discover your website through Google, the more likely you are to convert them into loyal customers.

Optimizing your site for Google search is a continuous process and commitment; it's an ever-evolving area. However, the increased visibility, credibility, and potential for growth outweigh these costs for any business looking to succeed online.

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How To Get Your Website On Google

Getting your website to appear in Google search results involves several key steps. By following these strategies, you can improve your website's visibility and attract more organic traffic.

1. Create A Google-Friendly Website

Your website should be responsive, fast, and secure. A clear site hierarchy and navigation structure help Google crawlers understand the context of your content better and index it easily.

Appropriate keywords should be dispersed throughout your content, titles, and meta descriptions. This can help Google understand what your pages are about and when to serve them up as part of the search results.

But don't overdo it with keyword stuffing, which is the act of overusing keywords in order to manipulate Google's search ranking system. Google's algorithms are smart enough to catch this, and you risk being penalized.

Share unique, high-quality content. Google recognizes websites with unique and shareable content. Try to create content that answers people's questions and problems or entertains them. Update your site with fresh content to keep users coming back and signal to Google that your site is alive and relevant.

Make sure your website loads quickly; loading time is one of the factors considered in ranking. Optimize all images, and enable caching and minimization of heavy scripts and plugins. Google mostly uses the mobile version of your website for indexing and ranking. 

To make a website mobile-friendly, create a responsive design or a separate mobile version.

Lastly, secure your website with HTTPS. Google loves secure websites, and it may scare away potential users from your site if it is not encrypted. Get an SSL certificate and make sure all pages on your website load over HTTPS.

2. Submit Your Website To Google

Once you've created a Google-friendly website, it's time to let Google know it exists. Create a Google Search Console account and verify your website ownership. This free tool helps you monitor and maintain your site's presence in Google search results.

After you have set up your account in Search Console, you will need to take your sitemap file and submit it for crawling and indexing by Google. This is essentially an XML file with all the pages of interest on your website that will help Google find and understand your content.

In general, you should be able to find your sitemap at Those without a sitemap can use some online tools or plugins if they have a content management system like WordPress.

Inside the Search Console, find the "Sitemaps" section and submit your sitemap URL. After that, Google will start crawling your site, using your submitted sitemap as a guide. Do note, however, that submission of a sitemap doesn't automatically equal an index for your website—it just helps Google to locate and understand your content.

3. Build Quality Backlinks

Aim to get backlinks from established websites in your industry. Look for quality sites in your industry or niche. Reach out to the owners or editors of a website and pitch them some form of collaboration: a guest post, content partnership, or resource sharing. 

Always personalize the message and show the specific audience the value you could bring to them.

You may want to create some valuable content that would naturally attract links from other websites. Write informative, engaging, and shareable content that other websites would have a natural desire to link to. This can take the form of in-depth blog posts, infographics, videos, or research reports. 

You can provide valuable content for that target audience to increase the chances of naturally getting linked.

Do not resort to spamming and other low-quality link-building techniques. Google punishes sites for manipulative link building, including buying links, engaging in link schemes, or using tools for automatic link building. This will potentially damage your website's reputation and can result in a drop in rankings. 

Instead, work on building real relationships with other websites and earning backlinks through ethical, white-hat methods.

4. Optimize For Local Search (If Applicable)

If your business serves local areas, you must optimize for local search to get your website on Google and in front of potential customers.

Claim your Google Business Profile and optimize it. This is a free Google tool that allows you to control how your business should look on Google, including local search results. You can verify your business, update or add proper information, and even try to add some photos to make it look engaging.

Include your NAP (name, address, phone number) on the website. The NAP should be consistent across platforms, directories, and the website. Consider placing the business information on a contact page or in the footer. City or region can also be added to metadata on the website—such as in title tags and descriptions—to be more locally optimized.

Encourage your customers to leave reviews about you on your Google Business Profile page. Reviews are one of the major local ranking factors, directly highlighting your business's trust and reputation. 

Share a direct link to your Google Business Profile page to make it easy for your customers to leave a review. You can also remind them to review through email campaigns or using your social media platforms.

By optimizing for local search, you increase the chances of your website appearing in Google's Local Pack, which features three local businesses related to the user's search query. That can get a website quite a bit of visibility, foot traffic, and, ultimately, customers.

5. Monitor And Analyze Your Website's Performance

Once you implement all the ways to get your website on Google, it's time for the after, which includes tracking and making decisions based on data. 

Google has two powerful tools for monitoring and tracking your website's performance: Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

Google Search Console will give insight into how Google crawls, indexes, and serves your website in search results. Use it to:

  • Submit and track your sitemap
  • Identify and resolve indexing problems
  • See which queries drive traffic to your site
  • Find out your highest-performing pages according to click-through rates (CTR)
  • Get alerts on manual actions or security issues

Google Analytics gives you insights into your website traffic, user behavior, and conversions. With Google Analytics, you are able to:

  • Track the number of visitors to your site
  • Find what channels (organic search, paid search, social media, etc.) drive the most traffic
  • Analyze user engagement metrics such as bounce rate, time on site, and pages per session
  • Set goals to measure conversions and track ROI
  • Identify high performing content and landing pages

Keyword rankings are another important factor to monitor continuously. Google Search Console and third-party rank tracking software can show you how your website's ranking for target keywords has changed over time. 

This data helps you understand which optimization work is effective and which points you need to improve.

You will almost certainly gain valuable insights by analyzing CTR from the SERP and whether your titles and meta descriptions have that pulling power that will see users click. Where the CTR is low, it implies that your titles and descriptions are too plain, regardless of the ranking they may have garnered. 

Test and optimize your metadata wherever improvements can be made in the CTR.

Remember, getting your website on Google should be an ongoing process. Always analyze data on how your website is performing and make iterative improvements. Remember to create high-quality content, get relevant backlinks, and ensure a great user experience. 

Over time, these efforts will help you climb the search rankings and drive more organic traffic to your site.

6. Leverage Built-In SEO Features

Most website builders come with built-in SEO features that allow you to easily optimize your site for search engines like Google. Use these tools to further personalize your metadata, for example, your page titles and descriptions, to enable Google to get some sense of what your content is about.

If your website platform has a blogging ability, by all means, use it for fresh content rich with keywords. Blog posts are also a brilliant way to nail some pretty specific keywords and show off your industry expertise. 

This is because it actually shows Google the activity of your website and the relevance of its content.

Look for other SEO-friendly features that come with website builders, such as customizable URLs, mobile responsiveness, and support for schema markup. If your website builder has these, just go for it. 

With these built-in tools, one can save time and hassle by implementing effective SEO strategies to get their website ranking on Google.

Benefits of Getting Your Website on Google

Visibility of the website on Google comes with numerous benefits. A few key ones are:

  • Increased traffic: More people visit your website when it appears in the Google search results, which increases the chances of more potential customers visiting your website.
  • Improved credibility: Google listing increases the credibility of your website. Users quickly trust those websites that have been ranked well by Google.
  • Growth in leads and revenue: An increase in visibility will most likely result in an increase in leads and revenue. As more people notice and become engaged in your website, your business will grow.

Build Your Website With Kajabi

Want to build a website that Google loves? Check out Kajabi

Kajabi has inbuilt tools that make it easy to optimize page titles, meta descriptions, and URLs. Its mobile-friendly design and quick loading improve the user experience and Google rankings. 

Kajabi also provides SSL certificates for free, which secure your site. Google loves that. And with its blogging tool, you can keep posting high-quality content to keep the signal up in Google that your website is live and valuable. 

Plus, Kajabi integrates Google Analytics to improve performance tracking. 

All these Kajabi features have made it easier to get a professional website at the top of searches, increase organic traffic, and grow your business.

Try Kajabi now and get a 14-day free trial.

Final Thoughts

Success in SEO is all about constantly putting time and work into it. After all, ranking high on Google is a gamthat is e played in the long term. The journey is long, and there is always a need for continuous content updating and optimization. SEO success is not an overnight affair; regular updates and optimizations largely contribute to long-term growth.

And remember, SEO is not done once; it's an iterative process of betterment with time and changes in search algorithms.

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