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Newport recap: Kajabi adds several exciting updates


Jan 5, 2021
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The Newport development cycle just ended and while it was shorter than normal due to the holidays, we’re happy to have delivered many exciting updates. Let’s go over some of the improvements and feature additions we’ve added to Kajabi over the last few weeks.

Smoother contact imports

We’ve improved the way you can import your contacts into Kajabi. This new functionality preserves the integrity of your list and gets you up and running much faster.

The improved contact import allows you to: 

  • Upload your list directly as a .CSV file 
  • Create new fields during import 
  • Intelligently map your Kajabi contact columns to your uploaded list 
  • Add notes and multiple tags to your imported contact list
  • Add more contacts than you could previously.

This empowers you to build your email lists on whatever platform you choose. From there, you can easily take that list into Kajabi and use our great marketing tools to grow your business.

You can learn more about smoother contact imports here.

New website templates, features

We rolled out our new website builder during the last Cambria cycle to help you quickly build beautiful websites. We’ve added two new website templates during Newport and these will empower you to get your site off the ground in minutes.

These new templates were inspired by Kajabi Heroes in tech and the health and wellness industry. But, they’re flexible enough to apply to almost any industry. To access the new website templates:

  • Log into Kajabi
  • Click on the Website section
  • Click on “Manage Themes” 
  • Pick a new theme.

Additionally, we’ve made it easier to reuse content on multiple pages. You can now duplicate a block of content and change whatever you’d like, instead of starting from scratch. This saves you time and lets you focus on more important aspects of your business.

Email improvements

We want your email marketing to move the needle for your business. With Newport, we’ve delivered impactful email marketing improvements:

  • User interface enhancements for email broadcasts
  • Fine-tuning of our Auto Unsubscribe feature 
  • Optimization of our backend spam rules.

The enhanced interface for email broadcasts gives you a clear understanding of when your email broadcasts have finished. Our Auto Unsubscribe feature and backend spam rules have also been fine-tuned to maximize your deliverability.

You can learn more about email improvements here.

And much, much more

We’ve packed plenty of great updates into Newport, including easier coupon management, better management over your Kajabi admins, improved deletion capabilities and much, much more. You can learn more about all the great updates in Newport here.

Our team never rests when it comes to improving Kajabi. While the Newport development cycle is finalized, our next development cycle, London, is right around the corner.

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