Natalie Kita: Building a 7-Figure Business of Love

Health & Wellness
Audience Size
10K - 49K
7 figures
Use Cases

Natalie is a love coach, law of attraction expert, and certified life coach who created the “Your Last Love Method.” Her business helps “single again” women over 40 break their painful love patterns, clear their love blocks, and date and communicate better in the 21st century to manifest their last love. Natalie helps her clients do this through coaching, courses, and running women’s retreats — both in the US and in the Caribbean — focused on self-love, relationships, abundance, and more.

Here’s a snapshot of Natalie’s success: 

  • Helped over 1,000 women find love in less than 4 years
  • Earns multiple 7-figures in revenue annually 
  • Generated her first million after a year on Kajabi 

The Challenge: Piecing Together a Disconnected Tech Stack 

Natalie initially began her online business teaching others how to build a profitable photography business. But, like any good entrepreneur, she listened to what her clients were asking for and she pivoted into teaching about money mindset and manifesting financial abundance. Then, her clients saw what she had manifested in her own love life, and started asking her for help with their love lives — which is how she found her niche as a love coach. 

Once she found her true calling, the next challenge was finding the right tools to help her business succeed. 

Natalie was using multiple tools and platforms to run her business. She set up a website on WordPress using a custom theme and installed multiple plug-ins so she could sell her online course from the site. She also used ClickFunnels for marketing, Mailchimp for email marketing, Vimeo for videos, another tool to host webinars, and Zapier to tie it all together. 

But she quickly realized this disconnected tech stack wasn’t sustainable. 

“I was completely overwhelmed and frustrated with multiple pieces of technology that were not ‘playing nice’ with each other,” Natalie recalls. “One piece would get an update, and suddenly, it didn’t work right with the other pieces. At the time, it was just me in the business, and I’m not a particularly ‘techy’ person, so it was extremely stressful.”

The Solution: Finding a Way to Put All of the Pieces Together 

Natalie turned to her community searching for a better way to run her business, and that’s when she learned about Kajabi’s all-in-one solution. 

“Since I was at the end of my tech rope and there was a free trial,” she says, “I decided to jump in and go for it.”

One of her earliest takeaways from exploring the platform was how great Kajabi’s customer support was. Compared to previous tools she used where customer service was either non-existent or wasn’t available on weekends, Kajabi gave her the consistent confidence and reliability she was looking for. 

Natalie now uses Kajabi for her courses, webinars, email marketing, CRM, landing pages, marketing and sales funnels, automations, and payments. She also uses the branded mobile app to elevate her client experience.

Results: Scaling to 7-Figures 

Within a few months of switching to Kajabi and focusing on her course and coaching business full-time, Natalie was profitable. And within a year, she reached her first $1 million on the platform.

Since switching to Kajabi to run nearly every part of her business, Natalie has scaled her business and is on track to do multiple 7 figures annually by the end of 2024. Her husband was also able to leave his corporate job over a year and a half ago to join Natalie’s business. 

“Because Kajabi allowed me to spend less time on tech and more time on honing my messaging, marketing and sales,” she says, “the move from ‘not profitable’ to profitable was pretty fast.”

Looking Ahead: Enjoying the Systems She’s Created 

Though she’s scaled the business quickly in just a few years, Natalie sees a future where she and her husband can take a step back while still enjoying what they’ve created. 

“In the next two years, I want to hire an operations manager and delegate more to my existing team, so my husband and I can be semi-retired, while still having a personal connection with the women we help,” she says.

She also plans to increase her in-person connections by leaning more into her hosted retreats and booking more speaking events. 

“I am proud of the difference we are making in women’s lives,” she says. “Getting those messages where people say, ‘your program has changed my life’ is the best thing ever! I am also proud of the team we’ve built. I hire almost exclusively out of the pool of women who have gone through my program.”

Natalie Kita’s Your Last Love Method™ Playbook for Online Coaching Program Success

1) Nail your messaging: Understanding exactly how your client thinks and feels is the key to crafting relevant messaging. “If you’re not getting emails or comments regularly that say things like, ‘OMG, it’s like you’re reading my mind’ or ‘Wow, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were telling MY story,’ then your messaging needs work,” says Natalie.  

2) Be willing to invest: Natalie credits the tools and systems she’s invested in as one of the ways she was able to scale quickly and be successful. “Invest in coaching, invest in the right tools, invest in marketing, invest in client experience,” she says. “The energy of investment is a form of karma, and it will come back to you many times over if you offer a useful product, market and sell it well, and deliver what your clients are looking for.”

3) Over-deliver on your course inclusions: Natalie suggests to constantly add to and update your course content, and based on your clients’ expressed needs. “Times are changing fast, and if you’re not moving forward, you are falling behind. The Kajabi branded app is a great example of something we added to our program that makes our client experience better, and lets them know that we are investing in them.”

Ready to turn your passion into a 7-figure online business? See how Kajabi can help you build online courses, memberships, coaching, and more.

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